We have a great schedule of workshops coming this spring/summer, hosted by a variety of wonderful organizations in some truly beautiful locations. All workshops will employ material grown right here on the farm, and each showcases traditional techniques.
Weaving with willow is a challenge, but we cannot recommend an immersive crafts experience highly enough. You can expect to spend dozens of hours working with your hands to create forms that are functional, lovely, and made to last a lifetime - all while surrounded by an inspiring community of makers. We hope to see you at one of these special opportunities!
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* FULL * - Willow Garden Trug
At the MidAtlantic Fiber Association Conference
WHEN: June 26 - 29, 2025
WHERE: Millersville University, Millersville, PA
Construct a functional garden trug from willow using traditional European stake and strand techniques. Students will learn how to weave a rectangular base, sides, border, and handle.
Please note — Another workshop (in the Pittsburgh area) will be added to the June calendar soon.
Legacy Workshop for Educators & Administrators
Weaving an Appalachian Inspired Willow Basket
WHEN: Sun. July 13 - Fri. July. 18, 2025
WHERE: Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
Arrowmont Legacy workshops offer eligible educators, administrators, and youth arts organizers the opportunity to learn traditional arts & crafts during an immersive 1-week or weekend, onsite experience for free.
* FULL * - Willow Basketry: A Study of Stake & Strand
WHEN: Mon. July 28 - Fri. Aug. 1, 2025 (9 AM - 5 PM)
WHERE: Touchstone Center for Crafts, Farmington, PA
Join us for an immersive week with willow amidst the beautiful Touchstone campus! Discover and explore the fundamentals of stake and strand basketry using material grown, harvested, and processed on the farm.
Weaving Willow: Functional Frame Basketry
WHEN: Mon. Aug. 11 - Fri. Aug. 15, 2025 (9 AM - 5 PM)
WHERE: Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Colorado
This workshop will explore the construction of frame-style baskets woven with willow, and is suitable for all levels. A variety of potential silhouettes can be created, and lids or leather straps can be added to enhance functionality.
Willow Basketry Trio
Anderson Ranch Arts Center
Snowmass Village, CO
Zarzo Flower Basket + Tatza
Inch by Inch Willow
Biglerville, PA
Zarzo Flower Basket
Contemporary Craft
Pittsburgh, PA
Willow Basketry Foundations
Contemporary Craft
Pittsburgh, PA
Rope Coil Bowl
Sanborn Mills Farm
Loudon, NH
Willow Spirals
Contemporary Craft
Pittsburgh, PA
Rib-Style Foraging Basket
Sanborn Mills Farm
Loudon, NH
Rib-Style Foraging Basket
Phipps Conservatory
Pittsburgh, PA
Willow Flower Basket
Contemporary Craft
Pittsburgh, PA